Friday, November 20, 2009

Update on Africa

As the date draws closer to my departure there has been so much more to do and worry about. The Lord has provided for me in abundence for my trip and once again I am reminded to trust in the Lord.

1. fill out application for Hands-On
2. Wait long time
3. Get accepted
4. wait more time
5. find out who is on my team
6. raise money for trip
7. get super excited and wait some more
8. Get flight plan
9. wait to leave on January 14th
10. most of all Pray

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Love of the Father

As my trip to Uganda Africa comes closer and all the details are being worked out by our Father. I began to think about who I will be serving over there and what I will be teaching and what kind of impact I may have. I watched a short video on youtube of a mission team that went to the same city in Uganda as I will be. I saw the faces of the children and saw the city. I fell in love at first sight of the children, their smile, and my heart was also broken into pieces seeing the sheer poverty they live in. How can you love people you have never met?

Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:11

The love of our Father compels us to share His name to the ends of the earth. Many have gone before and many will go after. The truth we need to rest in is found in Zephaniah 3:17. Many of us have never read this passage but we sing a song about it a lot : Mighty to save. Our Father is a mighty one who saves. If we share with this mind set we allow God to work in us and those we share His name with. May we keep to the great commission and go to make disciples of all nations. The Word of God keeps showing the importance of sharing our faith so others may hear the Word as well. I pray as I prepare for this adventure I can be bold and share without fear my faith to those who God has placed in my life.