Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Walking around

Another great day in Arua all starts with just walking around town. I started around 9:30 and headed into town while on my way I decided to talk some pictures of the local golf course. While doing this a woman stopped me to inform me that one must have permission to take a picture. I asked her must I ask the trees for permission. She then said oh no it is good we live in a free country, but people and their houses you still must ask. So I asked if I could take her picture and she agreed. I continued on my way to town and stopped here and there and chatted with a few friends. After all this I was figuring I had just one more stop to make and yet I was wrong. As I was walking a homeless man stopped me and asked me for money and when I informed him I did not have any money for him he became upset. It is sad but if you give money to one then you will be known as the guy who gives money and many people will ask. My day continued on and a man yelled to me “Hey Chuck Norris,” and so I stopped and discussed Chuck Norris and Jesus with the man. I then moved on but only a few steps and a group of muslim men stopped me to buy some goat meat. I stopped and tried the meat for a free sample it was pretty good. I kept on moving until I reached my actual destination and sat around with my friend Khan discussing Jesus and soccer. The time had now reached noon and so I headed to home, but on my way the muslim men stopped me again and so I sat with them and ate lunch. They asked me if I was muslim and I said “no I am a born again believer of Jesus Christ.” This caused the men to become upset and irritated with me. I asked them what did they believe and all they would say is” allah is the only god.” They then offered me marunge this is a local drug the men chew it is also called kat (it is similar to cocaine). I am not sure of the true spelling, but I knew it was not a good thing to take. After leaving these men I was heading home, but yet again I was stopped by a young man who asked what I was doing so I said heading home and he asked me to buy something from him. So I bought some Obama gum from the guy. So funny all the Obama stuff that is sold here. I finally made it to the bota guys (they are men who drive motorcycles for taxi), and I was going to be heading home and the men desired to talk some as well. So I shared Jesus with them and asked if they were believers. They responded with we are Christian, but not born again believers. Anyone who is not muslim is Christian, but this does not mean they believe in Jesus as their savior. After some time talking with them I went home and I was worn out ready for a nap. The day was good and encouraging, but the goat meat I think has caused me to be a bit ill again. Such is life in Africa.

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