Sunday, February 14, 2010

One month in Africa

So it has been a month since I first step foot in Africa. Today was the first real day I felt I was in Africa. I went to church with one of my roommates Evan. He rides his bike to church every Sunday it is 22 miles of hard riding. Up and down his and mixed with extreme heat it can wear a person out. I struggled to keep up and even finish the journey back from church. The church is located in a place called Agia. The small village sits a the foot of a good sized mountain. Some people may call it a large hill, but I am from Michigan and so I say its a mountain. We arrived and chatted with the pastor and did a small bible study with him on John 6. After this was finished we were taken into his home and given tea and sweet potato. The strange thing was that everyone left us to have tea all alone. They feel this is honoring us by doing it this way. Once we were finished we then went to the church which sits under two mango trees no building for them. I felt this was so indigenous and reproducible I loved it. The pastor preached on the passage we had just discussed earlier. We sang and introduced ourselves and fellowshiped with one another it was true community. You would think we were done at this point but not in Africa. We taught bible stories to the people the one they are learning right now is the fall of man. We also had a drama to go along with it. We had fun with the kids doing this. Once church was finished they now insisted to feed us lunch. It would be rude to decline so we once again went inside all alone to eat. We had beans, rice, Goat meat, Goat liver, posho, and inya. To eat you use your hands no fork or spoon to use. At first I was not sure if I would like it, but it was not to bad the beans and rice were great, and Goat was not terrible. The posho and inya had no flavor at all. After we finished eating we then headed home on our 11 mile bike ride back. This is the part where I almost died, but I have made it home safe. The country side of Africa is a true beauty of God and how great His creation is. Now I have seen Africa.


  1. It's so awesome to read your's like a book & I enjoy each new chapter. I feel like I went to church with you today! Love & Blessings from home.

  2. It's amazing when we see how far so many people have to go to worship Christ. We think 11 miles that's not far, but like you said, do it on your bike and it's a really long journey. I wonder how many of us would get up a few hours earlier each week in order to ride our bikes to church each Sunday? I'm glad that God is using you in such a great way and showing you so much, God Bless Brother!
