Friday, February 18, 2011

"Rise, Peter, Kill and Eat"

The vision of Peter in Acts 10 shows Peter that what is unclean is now clean. During my lecture today we began discussing this passage and many other ones as well. My mind began to wander a bit while we discussed this. A homeless man walked into Starbucks and sat very near me. The smell of dirt,and body odor filled the room and suffocated me. I felt anger or dislike toward this man coming to this clean good smelling establishment. I was quickly convicted by Gods word in Peters vision. This thought of Peter wouldnt go be with the Gentiles (the unclean people, due to what they eat) because it would make him unclean. This smelly homeless man was the gentiles and I am the Jew. I felt I would become unclean being around him. A woman was kind to this man and gave him a breakfast sandwich and a coffee. She saw a man in need and filled it. All the while I sat judging this man, and the Lords conviction is humbling. So I ask what in your life is "unclean?"

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Foxes have holes and birds have nests

In Matthew 8:20 Jesus tells a man who wants to follow Him " Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head."

In my life I sometimes have to embrace these words that my savior said. Many years ago I told Christ "I wanna serve you and proclaim your name to the nations." Following Him is hard and there is a cost to a life that surrenders all to Jesus. Not saying I am great or better than the rest I fail all the time. In the past several years I struggle to have a place to call home. I have moved so many times and seem to never have a stable place to call home. Knowing this place will be where I live for a long period of time. Following Jesus has a cost, and having no where to lay my head seems very real to me. I know the cost has so many more things than just no where to live, but at the present time I have no where to live. I have some places to stay for just a short while, but no place of refuge, a place of comfort, a home, a place of love. I long for the day where I can one afford to have a home that is my sanctuary, my refuge and two to have someone to say I love you every day. I am loved, but there are days I struggle to feel loved. I "walk by faith, not by sight." I am Trusting in the Lord and know he has a purpose for his Glory. May we all way the cost of following the Savior of the world. Praise be to Jesus.