The deeper I go in relationships here the more I realize this world is lost. Not just Uganda, or the continent of Africa, but the whole world. Being a christian has become so cultural and we have lost the true meaning behind the word. I just read a great quote the other day that said "sitting in an oven doesnt make you a biscuit and sitting in church doesnt make you a christian," and I cannot express this truth enough. Its great if you have attended church, but if you believe you will be saved and enter heaven on this basis sorry to say it but you wont get in. I have been told by so many people well Ive been baptized, yet again sorry no dice on entering by this qualification. The reality of the world is we want the easy way out. I am reminded of the rich young ruler who kept all the laws and rules and asked how do I enter the kingdom of heaven and Christ told him
SELL EVERYTHING and FOLLOW ME. This man walked away sad because he wanted to keep his things. So what can we do to enter heaven? Go to church, be baptized, donate money, all great things, but first we must confess that we are sinners in need of a savior and FOLLOW HIM. Are you serving the King of Kings? Are you sacrificing your life for the kingdom of the Lord most High? He sacrificed His life for you. I say all this due to the urgency of life and remember tomorrow may not be here. Share Christ with all and everyone you can. Sacrifice your comfort and GO PREACH THE WORD.